Third Thursday | Short-term Missions Info Meeting

Thursday, February 21, 2013


You can bring Pervasive Hope to a broken and hurting world while forming deeper personal relationships with Jesus and other Rock Church members.

Rock Short-Term Missions Ministry (BWO) facilitates 1 and 2 week short-term mission trip opportunities for Rock Church members that desire a deeper walk with Jesus by taking them on the mission field to further God's Kingdom on the earth.

We realize that everyone may not feel evangelistically gifted but everyone has God-given abilities and talents. That is why we have created many distinct ministry types allowing many to use their gift sets on the mission field!

If you would like to learn more, join us every Third Thursday of the month at 6:15 PM to see how this can become a reality.

Thursday · February 21, 2013
6:15 PM start
Rock Church Point Loma - 353
If you have questions, please contact Debbie Tietsort at
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