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At the Rock
Ground Zero Pastor Reflects on the Importance of Remembering 9/11
San Diego Rock Church Pastor Mickey Stonier remembers.
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Why I'm passionate about reaching youths for Jesus
When we look at what is going on in our culture and watch the media, it is a reminder that this generation has fewer and fewer credible opportunities to hear and receive the gospel.
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The number one characteristic of a disciple
There was a study done with 10,000 churches where they studied the characteristics of a disciple and the number one characteristic was...
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Symbol of Torture or Invitation?
Was there intent behind the timing of Jesus’ arrival?
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We will all be resurrected. But will we be with Jesus?
“I’m done. I’m going to give God the commitment I’ve given football and the commitment I’ve given drugs. I’m going to live for Jesus.”
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Jesus and Anxiety
Jesus experienced anxiety, too. Here's Why That Matters for our Faith.
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Holy Spirit Glow Up
The fruit vs the gifts: What's the difference, and what's more important?
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Joy Came Down!
A Reflection on Toys for Joy 2022
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Toys for Joy's Profound Impact
Toys for Joy 2022 Recap
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Never Forget
A Chaplain's Perspective on 9/11
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The Day I Finally Didn't Panic
For one salesman, being unemployed no longer means coming undone.
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The Blessing of Now
A dancer looks right past the extraordinary blessing standing in front of her
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When God Confirms a Decision
A married couple learns an important lesson on finances: money is a prison
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Something that Lasts
Pastor Ariel offers the truth about the world’s idea of joy and happiness
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Why Do Toys for Joy Volunteers Do It?
Here's why some volunteers give of their time and talents to serve at the biggest outreach event of the year.
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The Plan
Mark Beamish didn’t have a plan for his life. He didn’t need one.
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It Is Written
God has something that He is using to create your future. It’s called a plan.
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A Cross in the Parking Lot
A mother is given a visual aid to reach her addicted son
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Peace Like a River
If you want God’s peace it’s good to know exactly what it is.
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Yes and Amen
Rock couple battles debilitating fear as they try to have a baby.
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Stained Glass Prayer
Which is best? Short, intense prayers or long and continual?
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