Sisters In Christ - Wednesday Nights

Wednesday, May 6, 2009



Sisters in Christ - A special time for women of the Rock to worship, pray, study the Word of God, share testimonies and enjoy fellowship in a small group setting in order to gain spirtitual and practical guidance for everyday living. Childcare will not be provided. Meets every Wednesday from March 11th - May 6th in room 232 from 6:30-8:30 p.m..  PlDSCN1169_1.JPGease note that the building is air conditioned so you may want to bring a sweater or jacket.  Feel free to invite a friend.

Sisters In Christ includes worship, bible studies, testimonies or ministry speakers, classes (both spiritual and practical) and fellowship every week.

Please note that some classes may require the purchase of a book which will be used in the class.  BooksDSCN1172_1_1.JPG may be purchased in Rockpile or online. 

A Passage Through Grief led by Janet Mc Auliffe    A passage through grief offers healing opportunities for various forms of loss through journaling.  There is a book for this class $10.00 


The Burn Fitness led by Karen Hill   You should know that your BODY is a temple for the Holy Spirit who is in you.  You have received the Holy Spirit from God.  So you do not belong to yourselves, because you were bought by God for a price.  So honor God with your bodies.  1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Let's not forget the reason God gave us a body!  He gave us bodies to do His work on this earth.  Are you using your mind and body to glorify God?  Obesity and failing health of Americans is the most importnat social issue because what people eat is directly affecting their health.  With all the new health diets, books, miracle pills and Detox products.  We are fatther and sicker than ever. 

Therefore, Karen Hill has developed a life changing nutrition and fitness program that will teach to the Body of Christ, why we eat, what the body needs to be able to hold its own when it gets sick or invaded by an unwelcomed guess, have abundant energy, sleep like a baby andn look good at the same time at any age.

Make a commitment to yourself and God to make gradual changes to your lifestyle and create new habits that will nourish your body. 

Prayer Chrobin_pix_for_sisters_1.JPGanges Everything led by Robin O'Neal     This is a prayer class based on Philippians 4:6-7  "Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your minds in Christ Jesus."  This 3 month class will focus on prayer and the Lord's promises to hear and to answer according to His will.  Each woman will have a prayer journal to list (privately and confidentially) their burdens which need surrendering.  There will be time to share prayer requests and enter into group prayer.  By the end of the Fall session, we will look back in our journals and praise the Lord for His faithfulness and encourage one another with answered prayers.   A journal is needed for this class. 

Five Lies That Ruin Relationships led by Debbi Butler      Have you ever looked back over a cirDSCN0653_2.JPGcumstance or relationship in your life and wondered how it became so messy or difficult?  In this series centered in the book of James 4-5, we'll define five of the most common lies that have the potential to ruin relationships with those we love.  We'll uncover the source of quarreling, how our words wound, how not to make decisions, and why better things don't always make things better.  Together we'll ask and answer: do wrong beliefs produce wrong behavior?  What we think about life determines how we live it.  There is power in knowing and applying God's truth when confronted with these lies and discovering the freedom He longs for us to enjoy in our relationships.   Lisa_2_1.jpg

Sex Isn't The Problem, Lust is led by Lisa Walker     The class is being taught from Joshua Harris's book, "Sex Isn't The Problem (Lust is)."  We will be learning how to control lust.   The book can be picked up at any bookstore or in Rockpile.   

For more information or questions please email:
Karen Stevens at or
 Teresa Holderby at

 We look forward to seeing you!


Sisters in Christ - A special time for women of the Rock to worship, pray, study the Word of God, share testimonies and enjoy fellowship in a small group setting in order to gain spirtitual and practical guidance for everyday living. Childcare will not be provided. Meets every Wednesday from March 11th - May 6th in room 232 from 6:30-8:30 p.m..  PlDSCN1169_1.JPGease note that the building is air conditioned so you may want to bring a sweater or jacket.  Feel free to invite a friend.

Sisters In Christ includes worship, bible studies, testimonies or ministry speakers, classes (both spiritual and practical) and fellowship every week.

Please note that some classes may require the purchase of a book which will be used in the class.  BooksDSCN1172_1_1.JPG may be purchased in Rockpile or online. 

A Passage Through Grief led by Janet Mc Auliffe    A passage through grief offers healing opportunities for various forms of loss through journaling.  There is a book for this class $10.00 


The Burn Fitness led by Karen Hill   Learn how to accomplish a healthier lifestyle and lasting happiness from the inside out.  


Prayer Chrobin_pix_for_sisters_1.JPGanges Everything led by Robin O'Neal     This is a prayer class based on Philippians 4:6-7  "Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your minds in Christ Jesus."  This 3 month class will focus on prayer and the Lord's promises to hear and to answer according to His will.  Each woman will have a prayer journal to list (privately and confidentially) their burdens which need surrendering.  There will be time to share prayer requests and enter into group prayer.  By the end of the Fall session, we will look back in our journals and praise the Lord for His faithfulness and encourage one another with answered prayers.   A journal is needed for this class. 

Five Lies That Ruin Relationships led by Debbi Butler      Have you ever looked back over a circumstance or relationship in your life and wondered how it became so messy or difficult?  In this series centered in the book of James 4-5, we'll define five of the most common lies that have the potential to ruin relationships with those we love.  We'll uncover the source of quarreling, how our words DSCN0653_2.JPGwound, how not to make decisions, and why better things don't always make things better.  Together we'll ask and answer: do wrong beliefs produce wrong behavior?  What we think about life determines how we live it.  There is power in knowing and applying God's truth when confronted with these lies and discovering the freedom He longs for us to enjoy in our relationships.  
For more information or questions please email:
Karen Stevens at or
 Teresa Holderby at

 We look forward to seeing you!


Sisters in Christ - A special time for women of the Rock to worship, pray, study the Word of God, share testimonies and enjoy fellowship in a small group setting in order to gain spirtitual and practical guidance for everyday living. Childcare will not be provided. Meets every Wednesday from March 11th - May 6th in room 232 from 6:30-8:30 p.m..  PlDSCN1169_1.JPGease note that the building is air conditioned so you may want to bring a sweater or jacket.  Feel free to invite a friend.

Sisters In Christ includes worship, bible studies, testimonies or ministry speakers, classes (both spiritual and practical) and fellowship every week.

Please note that some classes may require the purchase of a book which will be used in the class.  BooksDSCN1172_1_1.JPG may be purchased in Rockpile or online. 

A Passage Through Grief led by Janet Mc Auliffe    A passage through grief offers healing opportunities for various forms of loss through journaling.  There is a book for this class $10.00 


The Burn Fitness led by Karen Hill   Learn how to accomplish a healthier lifestyle and lasting happiness from the inside out.  


Prayer Chrobin_pix_for_sisters_1.JPGanges Everything led by Robin O'Neal     This is a prayer class based on Philippians 4:6-7  "Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your minds in Christ Jesus."  This 3 month class will focus on prayer and the Lord's promises to hear and to answer according to His will.  Each woman will have a prayer journal to list (privately and confidentially) their burdens which need surrendering.  There will be time to share prayer requests and enter into group prayer.  By the end of the Fall session, we will look back in our journals and praise the Lord for His faithfulness and encourage one another with answered prayers.   A journal is needed for this class. 

Five Lies That Ruin Relationships led by Allison Wagoner      Have you ever looked back over a circumstance or relationship in your life and wondered how it became so messy or difficult?  In this series centered in the book of James 4-5, we'll define five of the most common lies that have the potential to ruin relationships with those we love.  We'll uncover the source of quarreling, how our words DSCN0653_2.JPGwound, how not to make decisions, and why better things don't always make things better.  Together we'll ask and answer: do wrong beliefs produce wrong behavior?  What we think about life determines how we live it.  There is power in knowing and applying God's truth when confronted with these lies and discovering the freedom He longs for us to enjoy in our relationships.  
For more information or questions please email:
Karen Stevens at or
 Teresa Holderby at

 We look forward to seeing you!
Wednesday · May 6, 2009
6:30 - 8:30 PM
If you have questions, please contact Karen Stevens at

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