2nd Quarter Report (2009)

by Rock Church
Each Sunday, over 12,000 people experience our Sunday service. 6 Days Til Sunday was created to give you a picture of ALL the things that take place here at the Rock during the week. God has entrusted each of us, as individuals, with time, talent, and treasures. The Quarterly Update is a glimpse of how we are living out our potential. We appreciate your commitment to helping the Rock Church fulfill its vision to Save, Equip, and Send.
This quarter, we had several major church and community events. Whether it is a concert, funeral, or camp, each of these events enable people to hear the Gospel, give them the opportunity to make a decision for Christ, and grow in their faith. God has entrusted each of us, as individuals, with time, talent, and treasures. The Mid-Year Update is a glimpse of how we are living out our potential. We appreciate your commitment to helping the Rock Church fulfill its vision to Save, Equip, and Send.
2nd Quarterly Report

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