Do You Have a Dream? Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.

by Rock Church | January 18, 2004
Monday, January 19 is Martin Luther King Jr Day
Monday, January 19 is Martin Luther King Jr Day

Martin Luther King dreamed of freedom. Nearly every American today is familiar with his famous "I Have A Dream" speech, which he made at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963.

We know who he was and what he was about. We remember him in tributes, parades, school holidays, and even when naming freeways.

Talking About It Isn't Enough

Although nowadays slavery is illegal, there still exists the same racial prejudice that surfaced in our nation's recent history. Although many citizens try to encourage compassion and understanding between the numerous ethnic groups in America, there still exists hatred, ignorance and intolerance in the hearts of those who refuse to forgive the past and move toward a brighter future.

Some would say that Martin Luther King's dreams died with him, while others would say that it is up to us to make them come true. I say, let's improve upon them!

Martin Luther King knew who he was and where his people came from. He knew of the trials and tribulations of those before him, and how different his life would be without the sacrifices of others. His supporters would never dare to question his faith in God or his passion for a truly free nation.

We, as Christians, have a great responsibility to carry on a similar message. Equality in the eyes of God goes far beyond skin color or racial background. Jesus came to unite together every soul on the Earth, and it is His desire that peoples of every language, personality, culture, and social class will come together for a common purpose - to love and worship Him. The Bible says that we must love in deed and in truth.

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18

Actions Speak Louder, and Two Are Better Than One

How are using the freedom God has given you?
How are using the freedom God has given you?

What part do you play? Do you use your talents to serve a purpose in this common goal? Do you recite passages from the speeches of others, or have you taken ownership of the Gospel?

Not only is it important to remember the words of those brave souls who have spoken in the face of great opposition, but you should also strive to make your own voice heard! Galatians 6:2 teaches us that we must bear each other's burdens, and that requires action. You cannot act without a purpose.

Martin Luther King's purpose was to shout out freedom! The Holy Spirit gave him the words to say and the strong voice to say them because this is what God called him to do. Now, we must follow in those footsteps - not only by remembering Martin Luther King - but also by shouting freedom in our own way.

God will do for you what He did for Martin Luther King, as long as you, too are living in His will. Don't know how to get started? You've come to the right website.

You Are Not Alone - When You're Standing on The Rock!

Would Martin Luther King be remembered so well today if he did not have so many with him in his fight? The Lord provided him the support and community that he needed, and the Lord has already provided for you the very same thing

The Rock Church understands that a three-fold cord is not easily broken Ecclesiastes 4:12, and has been blessed with many vehicles to help you get God's message out to those who are in slavery, bound by their sin.

Add your particular talents to those around you who have already begun a good work - and make it a great work!


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