by Dave Franco

In the 14 years since the beginning of Rock Church, Pastor Miles and his team have created dozens of sermon series to bring the Word of God to the Rock family. But to date, few series have seemed to strike a chord like, A Matter of Trust.

In the process of preparing for the series, the Rock's Sunday team stumbled upon the idea of creating a card with #TRUSTIS printed on it. Church attendees who were walking about the lobby were encouraged to look inside themselves and finish the thought: Trust is…

Once finished, a photo of the person and their card would be snapped.

What happened next, nobody had anticipated. Scores of people lined up to express what #TRUSTIS to them, many offering a more personal statement than had been seen with other like-projects throughout the years. The Rock family expressed everything from the everyday to a profound, desperate, holding on.

When the photos were gathered, it was clear that the response was unique. It was then decided that the photos would be displayed on-screen during a Sunday service as the church was lead in singing the song: In Christ Alone.

The emotion was palpable.

Want to continue the conversation? Express your thoughts about what #trustis to you! Use #trustis on your social media sites and get the word out!


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