Every Saturday, The Church Without Walls in Balboa park on 6th St. and Grape St. will provide a BBQ, clothes, blankets, water, the Gospel message and fellowship. As done throughout the week, assistance will be offered to anybody ready and willing to enter into programs such as The San Diego Rescue Mission, Set Free Ministries, and other Christian Ministries throughout San Diego County that exist to further meet the needs of San Diego's homeless population.
Presently, The Bread of Life is connected with Set Free Ministries (
http://setfreesd.org/) in El Cajon to help get those whom are homeless, lost, and in need of Jesus, off the streets. Through enrolling in the six month Set Free Ministries program, people will receive solid discipleship training, develop skills and become a positive contributing factor to society. This will require financial contributions, as well as clothing, blankets, prayer, volunteers (about 10 volunteers on Saturday), and transportation to get homeless to the Church Without Walls and Sunday services at the Rock. We as a ministry hope to build relationships with every homeless person in San Diego, through meeting them where they live to provide physical, emotional, and spiritual fulfillment.
We must all remember that while we were still sinners Christ Jesus died for us, sacrificing himself unto death on a cross that we might have life. We must learn to love in sincerity and authenticity (Charity- Giving without expecting in return, so why not give to those whom have nothing to give back tangibly to us and then test our faith, hope, and love).