Baby Dedication Sunday

Sunday, September 17, 2017


Registration is now closed.  The next Baby Dedication Sunday is December 17.

We believe God is a God of purpose.

The family was the first institution created by God between a man and a woman. Parent/Baby Dedication is when we give back to God what belongs to Him (1 Samuel 1:27-28).This ceremony is not a substitute for the child's ultimate personal responsibility before God. In no way does this ceremony guarantee salvation or serve as a substitute for the personal need for children to accept Christ as Lord when they are aware enough to understand the gospel.

The Dedication Ceremony is a commitment by the parents or parent to train and teach their child principles, to trust in God, and be thankful for this blessing. Therefore, we dedicate the child/children of married couples (man and woman) and the child/children of a single parent who is committed to God in the development of the child and will be obedient to His Word and the following covenant:

  • I/We will make Jesus Christ the Foundation of our home (1 Cor 3:11)
  • I/We will keep the Passion for God before us always (Deut 5:29)
  • I/We will fight for the Authority of God before our Family (Neh 4:14)
  • I/We will place trust in God's Grace for life (Gal 2:20)
  • I/We will love my family Unconditionally as God loves us (Eph 5:25)Your child needs Godly parents not more stuff! 

Baby dedications are held on stage for babies up to 24 months. Children over 24 months of age will be dedicated in a ceremony on your church campus.

Sunday · September 17, 2017
12 - 12 PM
Rock Church East County - Sanctuary
Registration is now Closed
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