Men's Transitional Home Outreach

Friday, June 22, 2018


The Training Center was established in 2005, California State licensed and recognized nationwide as a highly effective drug and alcohol treatment center for men transitioning back into society. We meet all state and federal requirements for mandated rehabilitation parolee’s as well as the individuals coming from the street.

The Training Center is a Christian based drug and alcohol recovery program. Our program is a six month program and consists of four phases of intensive treatment with two additional phases of aftercare. During their stay here, each client will be provided with individual and group counseling, alcohol and drug dependence counseling and education, treatment planning, anger management, life skills, individual therapy with on site MFT, stress management, relapse prevention, HIV & Hep-C education and pre-employment development.

We offer a fully proficient staff that consists of certified AOD counselors, licensed MFT, and ordained ministers; serving men with co-occurring disorders mentioned above, HIV, and dual diagnoses.

We cater to all individuals from all the various religions and ethnicities. We accept men with co-occurring disorders as well.

If you are considering volunteering we ecourage you to pray about your commitment, as we ask that you commit to a minimum of 2 days per month. A background clearance is required, TB test and you must attend an Orientation prior to your start date.

Friday · June 22, 2018
6:15 - 7:45 PM
If you have questions, please contact
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