Becoming a Child of God

by Rock Church | July 18, 2014

This is the story of becoming a Child of God.

HOPE ARISES | PART 1 (0-0:38)

Before we truly know and accept Jesus, we live in the midst of depravity with glimmers of hope (symbolized by piano).

We start our race on a path, running fast and hard, yet with no direction or purpose. We spin our wheels trying to find meaning. We reach for something we can’t see but know that’s there. We go down windy roads and aimless paths. We hunger for real life-giving bread to sustain our souls which are

starved for true love. We stumble and fall constantly, unaware of the hand reaching out to us.

HOPE ABOUNDS | PART 2 (0:38-1:24)

God continues to reveal more of Himself, as we go through the process of surrendering our lives to Him.

With glimmers of hope we experience glimpses of Heaven. We taste and see that God is good. Curiously, we seek and peer into the Father’s House. With eternity built into our hearts, we desire more than this world could ever offer satisfy. We thirst for living water.

So we surrender. Turn and look up. Reach The Point of Transformation. At the feet of Jesus. We enter our Father’s House with much anticipation.

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9

HOPE PERVADES | PART 3 (1:25-2:19)

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

With our hope in Jesus we soar higher than we ever could before. We take steps of faith, knowing confidently that He will catch us. We learn to root our identity in Him and stand confidently in that reality. We trust for the provision of His daily bread that nourishes our bodies and souls. We go to battle, equipped with the Sword (Word), taking back ground for the Kingdom. We rest in His promises and take refuge in Him. We give praise and rejoice in who He is, all He has done, and will continue to do. We continue to run fast and run hard in this race, with purpose and direction - into the arms of our loving Father.

As I was making this video I noticed how it featured those who have spent significant time pouring into the people of Haiti. Above all needs, Haiti is starved for love - and it takes a special kind of person to be that tangible expression to them. It takes one who understands the Father’s love so well, that they can give endless measures of it to a people who have nothing to give back. So this video is dedicated to them.

Thank you for showing me and the people of Haiti how love can truly transform and impact lives.

Nothing - no sharing of God’s Word, prayer, encouragement, loving touch, time listening, act of kindness - nothing has been wasted in the advancing of God’s Kingdom.

The victory is sure.


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