Out of the Pain of Not Knowing a Father's Love

by Kirsten Strawn

Perri Storey still hears the judge address her brother. "Mr. Storey, your sentence is life with no parole." She still hears her mother scream. At 17, her brother, Mark Storey, was sentenced to life in prison. Today, he is 41, and still incarcerated.

Perri Storey experienced the heartache of not knowing her fathers love. She also witnessed what the absence of a father did to Mark, who without his fathers love was easily influenced by drugs, alcohol, and the wrong people, which led to a life of crime. 

"We had different fathers but similar pains," said Perri, a public relations professional. "But God gives our pain purpose. He takes our mess and gives us a message! 
Partners with a Similar Passion

This message came to fruition through a God encounter. Perri decided to begin a Rock ministry called Never Knew A Father's Love (NKAFL). At the same time, another fellow Rock attendee, Zeb Hill, decided to start a similar ministry. They both attended a Rock ministry preparation workshop, and discovered one another. God brought these two leaders together with the same burden and passion to minister to those who were raised or are living without their fathers love. Now theyre part of the NKAFL team.

Zeb Hill, who has taken the role of Mentorship Program Leader, met his father for the first time at the age of four to verify blood tests that determined child support. Zeb struggled with expressing his love, emotions, and affection towards friends, family and in his relationships with women. He has a passion to help others end the cycle by mentoring single parent children.

Another NKAFL leader is Nikki Legros, who walked in and out of bad relationships until she found her Heavenly Fathers love. As Support Group Leader, together they make up the ministry team along with Perris brother Mark.

Transformed by his Heavenly Fathers love, Mark now serves on the ministry leadership team using his gift of intercessory prayer from prison.

I give God all the glory, said Mark. He has preserved me in these prison walls to give me the ministry of prayer to support Never Knew A Fathers Love.

Loved by the Heavenly Father

The ministry team knows your pain. Each team leader has experienced a damaged self-worth that led them down a road of destruction and heartache in search for the love and acceptance that only a father can give. Their message for you: you are special, you deserve to be loved, and you are loved by your Heavenly Father.

Through NKAFL ministry Gods promise is fulfilled that we have a Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

If not having a father's love in your life has caused you to struggle in relationships, bury pain with unhealthy choices, experience anger and unforgiveness then come out for Support Group on Fridays at the Rock Church from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM in room 253

"Let us come alongside you to help you experience a Fathers love through His people in a safe, supportive, and caring environment," said Perri. If youre interested in leadership or mentoring those suffering from not having a fathers love please plan on attending or find more information at https://www.sdrock.com/ministries/neverknewafatherslove/.


Kirsten Strawn is a volunteer with Rock the Word: The Rock Church Writers Ministry. For info, visit www.sdrock.com/writers.

For more info on NKAFL, visit www.sdrock.com/ministries/neverknewafatherslove.


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