The Mother-Son Team that Did Something

by Anita Palmer
The mother heard Pastor Miles McPherson appeal for small group leaders last December. So did her 16-year-old son.

For Temukisa Letuligasenoa, a working mother of five children who had rededicated her life to Christ three years ago, it was a scary thought. Lead a study? Huh uh.

Then her son Iakopo, also known Jake, sat down with her and say, "Mom, I think we should do it. Together. As a team."

What's a mother to do?

A Passion to Serve

So the Letuligasenoas, whose heritage is Samoan, decided to step out in faith, and volunteer to become facilitators for the six-week, church-wide study of Pastor Miles' book, DO Something! Make Your Life Count.

"We were moved to do it," said Temukisa, also known as Tee. ""I didn't want to fail the pastor."

"Mom, I think we should do it. Together. As a team."
The pair went through the training, and formed a group, which met every Monday during the six-week Do Something campaign. They had a great time -- even though they both were apprehensive about teaching, and both found it hard to study: Temukisa works four nights a week and Jake is extremely busy with school, band and football.

Jake found it a little intimidating to lead a group of adults. But he did his best.

"He has a passion to serve," said his mother.

More about the Bible
"We were moved to do it," said Tee. ""I didn't want to fail the pastor."

It was so successful that the group has continued to meet. Not only that, the group decided to do something together on a monthly basis. Last month they served a BBQ to the homeless in partnership with the Church without Walls ministry.

Now Tee, who works in the call center of Scripps Hospital, is leading an adult study group through Pastor Miles' seven-month message series on the Bible, called The Royal. Jake is leading a youth and college group on the same topic.

"God put it in my heart to do this," said Jake, a football player active in school and the band. "I wanted to know more about the Bible, because I've dedicated my life to being a pastor."

Out of the mouth of babes...

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For more info on joining a small group, visit or contact or call 619.764.5185.

For more info on becoming a leader or host, visit, or contact or call 619.764.5161; or or call 619.764.5239.


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