School of Transformation

by Jere Fields-Briant | July 14, 2019

It all started one day when it occurred to me as a social worker that I was unable to effectively address questions involving matters of faith of which my clients directly presented to me.  As a social worker, I was not only limited in the sharing of my faith but also the inclusion of biblical counseling as a form of healing at my places of employment.  Nonetheless, when clients did approach me with a burning need to know how their faith could offer comfort, I recognized that my ability to speak truth to their situation through the teachings of Christ Jesus and the gospel required dramatic strengthening on my behalf to better serve my clients.

I was ill-equipped, and I didn’t like that.

I knew that I needed to deepen my faith and further understanding of God if I was going to be of use to His Kingdom and the community I was appointed to serve.  I felt strongly that attending a university offering a curriculum in evangelism and leadership would support and develop my calling. My husband graciously consented, and after searches, inquiries, and applications, I had an acceptance letter, a receipt on payment-made for tuition and a plane ticket to an institution of higher learning in the Eastern United States. I was all set to go and knew that my goal was in line with God’s plans for me. 

There was just one problem. Why wasn’t I experiencing peace?

One Sunday morning while sitting at Rock Church alongside my husband, an announcement regarding the Rock School of Ministry appeared on the screen and instantly, I felt this rumbling, this excitement within my spirit. My husband and I shared a ‘light bulb’ moment, and I knew I had to know more. 

I responded by attending the Rock School of Ministry Open House.  The open house was amazing and sparked my interest even further with just a simple, single word that each presenter kept repeating: Community. The more I heard it, the more I knew that making trips back and forth to the eastern region was going to relegate my pursuit of the Bible to an isolative quest. And I knew community was what I needed to fulfill this aspect of my journey; everything about this felt right and good and a part of God’s will for me.

And I knew community was what I needed to fulfill this aspect of my journey; everything about this felt right and good and a part of God’s will for me.  

After much self-reflection and prayer, it actually seemed right to go ahead and think the unthinkable: disenroll. Although my husband was reticent at first, he agreed that I should let go of my plans to attend ministry school back east. With enthusiasm and hunger, I enrolled in the Rock School of Ministry, trusting in what the Lord promised me: community and knowledge.

But I was wrong. It was much, much more.  

The Rock School of Ministry has changed so much about me. The curriculum was never designed to be merely informative, but transformative relative to my soul and to the degree I could have never anticipated.  My Rock School of Ministry community of believers has graciously poured into every aspect of my life.  As a matter of fact, we do life together-experience scripture off the page and into each other’s daily journey. We support each other, encourage each other, pray with one another, cry, praise, and intercede for our family and friends, as well. The love we have for God has increased a thousand-fold by the love we have for each other as we pursue Him together and in the same breath encourage increased individual intimacy with the One. The Bible has come alive, and now I worship differently because I am different. I am on my knees and on my face before God, and I just can’t get enough of Him.

In addition, I have always been a learner.  I am so impressed with the uniqueness of the Rock School of Ministry curriculum, especially the identification and activation of my gifting. But what really has me on fire for the Lord as a result of attending this ministry school is the fulfillment of my ‘WHY’ during this season of my life; WHY attend this school in the first place? 

Because I have received the makings and equipping of sound biblical doctrine to speak with boldness, power, and authority, in truth and in love to my clients involving matters of faith and to continue seeking Him in all things.  For anyone wanting to grow deeper with God, I highly recommend the Rock School of Ministry. Just be prepared for a transformational experience. Nothing will ever be the same again.


To learn more about the Rock School of Ministry and to register for the fall session, click here:


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