The Surf Ministry's Slow Ride to Friendship

by Dave Franco | July 26, 2018

                 “Who are you?”

                 “What are you doing here?”

                 “You must not know whose break this is.”

The morning that the members of the Rock’s Surf Ministry showed up to help out at Windansea Surf Club’s surf event, they got a lot of very familiar looks; looks the surfers from the club are notorious for using to defend their break. For those who venture near that break, the message is clear. Ours, not yours. We have our eyes on you. Stay away. 

But the goal of the Rock’s Surf Ministry is to come alongside the surf community and support it in every way, bringing Christ’s hands and feet and grace to everyone. And so, they showed up, not to dominate, or show a better way, or to draw attention to themselves, but to help the event be all the club hoped. They did things such as stand in the water and push kids on boards into the waves, set out chairs, and build tents. They still got glances from the rough and tumble, famously territorial Windansea surfers, but there were no altercations and nobody was asked to leave. By day’s end the event was a big success and everybody, including the Rock Surf Ministry members, had a great time.

Would they press their luck and show up the following year?

The following Windansea event, the ministry made another appearance, doing what they did the previous year—help out in any way. And once again the suspicious glances were in full torpedo mode. But like the previous event, the surf ministry displayed their sole desire to simply serve the club’s efforts to make it an enjoyable day.

Seven years have passed and the ministry has showed up to every event; however, there has been a change. Over time, many of the club surfers’ kids have grown up and gone away, which means the club’s number of helpers have decreased. The result has been that the notoriously exclusive club now asks the Rock Church Surf Ministry to come to their events and help. 

But that is not all.

One of the Windansea surfers now worships at a Rock Church Microsite in La Jolla, and when the ministry gathers to pray before each Windansea event, another of their members will always join hands and bow his head. They even got the chance to lead one of the young members to Christ.  Yes, God is on the move.

It proves a little grace, and patience, can break down any wall.


Don’t forget to support Windansea's next surf event, August 11, benefiting children of homeless families residing at the St. Vincent De Paul homeless shelter. Click here for details.

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