Understanding Our Salvation

by Rock Church

Week after week we see people come forward at Pastor Miles' invitation. Sometimes we take for granted that hundreds of people every year are getting saved through the ministry of The Rock Church. This kind of effective evangelism is not seen in 99% of churches across America. We as a church body often stand to "clap them into the family," but what does salvation really mean? It is important for us to understand the complete meaning of salvation in order to live out what it means to be Christian.

Many times people understand the decision of salvation as the completion of their Christian walks. We see people go forward to accept Jesus as their Savior, but many never fully make Him their Lord. Salvation is a decision we make not just to confess Christ but also to follow Him and obey His Word.

If you were in a race, and the starter's gun went off, would you cross the starting line only to stop and celebrate? This is what often happens with our Christian walks; we make the decision to start the race and take that first step, but never commit to running with endurance.

No wonder non-Christians look at the lives of many Christians and ask, "what makes them any different from me?" They are seeing Christians who have started the race, told everyone about the race, but haven't run a single step. In 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, the apostle Paul talks about the Christian life like a race. He says, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the race goes into strict training."

It is important for us to make a decision to follow Christ - not only to begin the race, but to run it. If our commitment to Him ends at the starting line, what makes us any different from those who have not started the race at all? Run the race! Seek Christ and all that it means to be a Christian. Then you will know the true meaning of salvation.


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