Gospel Line Dance Ministry Meeting

Thursday, July 25, 2024


We are meeting at the Point Loma Campus.

1st Floor, Room 144 (behind the community room)

After you enter the lobby, walk past the elevators and the community room, go through the double doors on your right, and walk all the way down the walkway almost to the end. Room 144 will be on your right.

Devotional (6:00pm-7:00pm) and line dancing (7:00pm-8:00pm).

During our devotional time, we will discuss The Chosen (study below). During our line dancing time, we will learn easy beginner level line dances.

THE CHOSEN: Beyond Mountains (Season 2, Episode 8)

Video: Click here to watch the video.

Scripture References:
Psalm 139:13-16
Matthew 5:1-16
Matthew 7:12

Jesus and disciples; Salesmen: Judas Pharisees: Rabbi Shammai, Shmuel, Yanni Romans: Atticus, Gaius; Others: Tamar, Ramah, Mary, Mary (Jesus’ mother), Eden

The Big Idea:
What is your one BIG idea from this episode? (What captured your imagination most, and what would you first share with someone about this episode and how God spoke to you through it?)

Bring to Group:
What quote from this episode was the most meaningful/impactful to you? Why?

Group Discussion Questions:
1. Which characters stood out to you most? Which were most interesting? Most moving?

2. The episode begins two salesmen negotiating a deal for land. What role did they have in this episode? What did you think when one of them turned out to be Judas?

3. Simon the Zealot comes back to camp from a run, and is told, “Obsession with exercising smacks of Hellenism.” Do you ever wonder about our culture’s attitude toward physical fitness or lack of it?

4. The last few episodes led to this one as Jesus has been preparing for the Sermon on the Mount. What roles/contributions did you see the disciples making? How can we motivate one another in our churches today to serve?

5. You see Mary teaching Ramah to read from Psalm 139. Why did that passage seem to cause deep reflection in Mary?

6. In speaking of the anticipated turnout for the sermon, John said, “What if no one shows up?” Mary said, “What if everyone shows up?” Which response do you tend to identify more often with and why?

7. The Pharisees continue to plot, and we see their own internal divisions as they seek to undermine the school Hillel, Nicodemus and Shimon. Rabbi Shammai’s summation of the charges so far against Jesus are:
• self identifies using a divine title
• claims authority to forgive sin
• violates Sabbath and teaches others same
• eats with tax collectors and sinners
What do you think about the attitude of the Pharisees about Jesus? How are they right? How are they wrong?

8. How did you feel about Jesus taking Matthew with him to help prepare the sermon? How did it help you have a new perspective of the Sermon on the Mount?

9. Jesus told Matthew, “I don’t want passive followers.” What kind of follower does Jesus want? Have you ever been a passive follower of Jesus? What changed for you?

10. When you saw all the planning and preparation for the Sermon (construction, handing out fliers, finding land), and then saw the crowd walking to the location, what are some conclusions you can draw?

11. How did it hit you when Jesus spoke the Beatitudes (“blessed are you”) and you saw scenes from His disciples for each one? Which beatitude did He speak to Matthew? Which one might He speak to you today?

“If someone wants to find me, those are the groups [of people] they should for.” - Jesus
“I want a life I can be proud of - that will be remembered throughout history.” - Judas 

Thursday · July 25, 2024
6 - 8 PM
Rock Church Point Loma - 1st Floor, Room 144
If you have questions, please contact La Tasca at linedance@sdrock.com.
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