We are meeting at the Point Loma Campus.
1st Floor, Room 144 (behind the community room)
After you enter the lobby, walk past the elevators and the community room, go through the double doors on your right, and walk all the way down the walkway almost to the end. Room 144 will be on your right.
Devotional (6:00pm-7:00pm) and line dancing (7:00pm-8:00pm).
During our devotional time, we will discuss The Chosen (study below). During our line dancing time, we will learn easy beginner level line dances.
THE CHOSEN: Intensity in Tent City (Season 3, Episode 6)
Video: Click here to watch the video.
Scripture References:
Matthew 27:17-19
John 1:29
Matthew 9:23-24
Matthew 15:31
Luke 7:18-35
Jesus, Gaius, Atticus, Pilate & wife, Mary Magdalene & Tamar, Pharisee, Simon the Zealot & Zealots, Barnaby & Shula, Disciples, Peter & Eden
The Big Question:
What is your one BIG question from this episode? (What captured your imagination most, and what would you ask God about the events portrayed?)
Bring to Group:
What quote from this episode was the most meaningful/impactful to you? Why?
Group Discussion Questions:
1. Which characters stood out to you most? Which were most interesting? Most moving?
2. The episode opens with Pilate’s wife having a dream about Jesus in Gethsemane. Were you aware that she tried to dissuade Pilate from judging Jesus? What did you think of the portrayal of Pilate and the pressure upon him to keep the peace?
3. Why were the disciples sharpening knives? What were they worried about? Can you think of ways that you are sometimes misguided in your effort to “protect” those you love?
4. Tamar and Mary share a powerful moment. What did you learn about each woman and her past? Why is it so difficult to heal from past trauma or shame? How does faith in Jesus heal and give hope?
5. Quintus orders Gaius to get rid of the tent city. Why was he concerned about it? Why do you think this episode portrayed Gauis the way it did? Are you sometimes surprised at people who express interest in Jesus, and why?
6. Andrew and Phillip are told that they “ruined everything” with their preaching back in the Decapolis. How so? How can our clear communication about Jesus cause unrest and conflict in some and hope and wonder in others?
7. The disciples of John the Baptist come and question Jesus. Why was John seemingly disappointed? What was the message of Jesus to take back to him? What can we learn from this message when we are disappointed with Jesus’ apparent neglect of our needs even as He meets the needs of others?
8. Simon the Zealot avoids being murdered… by praying and promising the zealots that he has found the Messiah. How are they impacted by seeing Jesus at work and hearing Him? How does Jesus transform enemies into allies?
9. What did you think of the way Jesus handled the Pharisee accusing Him of blasphemy?
10. Why was the quiet, private miracles of Shula and Barnaby’s healing so moving and significant? What about their attitude do you want to emulate in your own faith walk?
11. Eden finally tells Peter about her miscarriage, and the episode ends with Peter distraught, saying, “Why, why?” What is one thought you have about how to communicate and minister to others during deeply grievous moments?
“The miracles are so much better when the Pharisees are around.” (Peter)
“I am sorry for the shame you feel. It must be very painful. Jesus forgave you. But you choose to hold onto it..” (Tamar to Mary)