We are meeting at the Point Loma Campus.
1st Floor, Room 144 (behind the community room)
After you enter the lobby, walk past the elevators and the community room, go through the double doors on your right, and walk all the way down the walkway almost to the end. Room 144 will be on your right.
Devotional (6:00pm-7:00pm) and line dancing (7:00pm-8:00pm).
During our devotional time, we will discuss The Chosen (study below). During our line dancing time, we will learn easy beginner level line dances.
THE CHOSEN: Confessions (Season 4, Episode 2)
Video: Click here to watch the video. (You may need to create an account in order to watch Season 4.)
Scripture References:
Matthew 16:13-20
Matthew 18:15-35
Conversation Starter
Who uses humor to diffuse tense situations? Has it ever backfired? Please share.
Big Question, Quotes, and Characters
What is your one BIG question from this episode? (What captured your imagination most, and what would you ask God about the events portrayed?)
What quote from this episode was the most meaningful/impactful to you? Why?
Which characters stood out to you most? Which were most interesting? Most moving?
Episode Questions
1. Have you ever felt guilty that you weren’t more upset when someone close to you passed? Have you ever judged anyone for the way they were grieving?
2. Has your decision to follow Jesus caused division within your family and people close to you? How do you maintain relationship with those who don’t believe the way you do?
3. Have you ever wondered why God blessed someone else that you felt wasn’t worthy in your eyes? How do you not become bitter toward this person or God?
4. Does a Christian’s responsibility end once they’ve apologized for wronging someone? Why or why not?
5. How do you think the group of Jesus followers were impacted by Peter and Matthew reconciling? How did the scene between Peter and Matthew impact you?
Are you robbing yourself from peace by holding resentment toward someone? What will you do about this?
In the episode, Jesus told Matthew that He makes people what they aren’t. Since following Jesus, how has God made you what you weren’t?
Continuing the Conversation
Do you think you look “different” to people who know you have become a Christian or are a Christian? Who would benefit from seeing God changing you?