Inspire Changes

Dental Care for Women in Rehabilative Programs

Our Mission


The power of transformation

We partner with specialized rehabilative programs in a joint effort to break the ring of trafficking and exploitation in the San Diego community. Our goal is to restore hope and encourage women to transform into who God created them to be. We inspire survivors in the pursuit of leading fufilling and purpose driven lives by providing compassionate dental care free of charge. Help us spread pervasive hope!

We want every person who receives care from us to leave feeling worthy, loved and empowered to fufill their divine purpose. To rise up from the ashes and take back the beautiful life they have been given with dignity and purpose. We offer empathy, compassion and grace. A soft refuge full of love in a hardened world – a life changing smile transformation that they would not otherwise have access to receive. 

Ready to make massive impact in the lives of Trafficking and Exploitation Survivors?

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The Rock strives to be transparent with the people it serves regarding its relationships with other organizations. In that regard, our affiliation with the organization identified on this page is based on our common objective of providing value-added service to the communities in which we live. However, please note that this organization is a separate 501(c)(3) organization that maintains its own Board of Directors and officers. The Rock does not own, control, or operate this organization, nor is the Rock financially responsible for it. If you would like some additional information about this organization, you can visit their website or contact it directly through phone or email. And, as always, we would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the Rock’s interest in serving our community and our vision of establishing Global Pervasive Hope for every street, every person.