Operation Promise


A Father’s Prayer

f4df9ed6c30dd83a62890d4c7c041e2b.jpgBlessed to share this praise report video taken today with a father who was very concerned for his wife and baby in March 2020 diuring the first shutdown due to COVID.  I remember clearly as if it was yesterday Juan driving through devastated and in tears that he and his wife were gonna lose their newborn Isabella.  I stop the line, gathered everyone that I could and prayed for Isabella and his wife who was in ICU after her delivery.  Drs told him that Isabella's heart was barely beating and the rest was God's miraculous healing.  Isabella is now a healthy 4 month toddler who does not need heart surgery, a miracle as he stated...hallelujah 🙌🏼

Full Video: https://www.facebook.com/112229157087263/posts/361578012152375/?d=n

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The Rock strives to be transparent with the people it serves regarding its relationships with other organizations. In that regard, our affiliation with the organization identified on this page is based on our common objective of providing value-added service to the communities in which we live. However, please note that this organization is a separate 501(c)(3) organization that maintains its own Board of Directors and officers. The Rock does not own, control, or operate this organization, nor is the Rock financially responsible for it. If you would like some additional information about this organization, you can visit their website or contact it directly through phone or email. And, as always, we would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the Rock’s interest in serving our community and our vision of establishing Global Pervasive Hope for every street, every person.