Estate Planning Webinar
Saturday, March 23, 2024
We can't predict the future, but we can plan for it!
We invite members of the Rock Church family to join us for this valuable complimentary seminar presented by Rock Financial Life and FINANCIAL PLANNING MINISTRY (FPM). FPM takes the mystery out of estate planning, guiding you and your family through a straightforward process and allowing you to design a legacy plan that blesses your family and honors God. We’ve partnered with FPM to provide you with the opportunity to make decisions, pass on your values AND your valuables, and start planning for your future. Following the seminar, you'll have access to one-on-one coaching with FPM as well as document preparation for your family’s peace of mind - all at no out-of-pocket cost!
This seminar is held multiple times a year. For more information about why to attend, click HERE.
** Webinar link will be sent to you after you register. **