
Virtual Marriage Enrichment Recordings

This webpage will be udpated with our virtual marriage enrichment recordings.  Click on the links below to review each one. (Oldest to newest) We pray that it blesses you and your marriage.

August 1: The Sound Relationship House taught by Jeff Allen of SDI Couples (click HERE for course material)
August 15: Communication taught by Meccan & Kristen Green of Rock Church Marriage Ministry
September 21: 5 Things You Can Do to Have a Great Marriage taught by Pastor Darren & Mrs.Vickie Carrington (Rock Church Marriage Ministry)
October 18: Improve Your Emotional Skills to Improve Your Marriage taught by Dr.Mattthew Norton of Mindfluence Revolution
November 15: Marital Intimacy taught by Mary Cipriani of SDI Couples and Famlies  (Click HERE for the course materials)
January 24: Ingredients to a Solid Marriage taught by Mary Cipriani of SDI Couples and Families  (Click HERE for the course materials)
February 28: From Conflict to Connectiontaught by Chris Bateman from SDI Couples and Famlies. (Click HERE for the course materials)

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